When Life Stinks, Why Do We Feel The Need To Cook?

Yesterday, a dear friend of ours underwent surgery and all I could think to do was cook for her family. I’m not sure if this is just a “Southern” thing we learn at an early age, or if the need to create a hearty casserole during times of family or friend’s crisis is a world-wide phenomenon. Either way, the feeling to step in and take action overwhelmed me. (So did the feeling of turning on the Andrea Bocelli CD really really really loud…it helps, you know…).

So, turkey lasagna was created for the girls, and for the Aunts watching over the girls, while Mom was in the recovery room. “Dad” was not leaving the hospital, that’s for sure! So, here’s hoping there’s left-overs for his sake, right?

Lasagna Cooked in Casserole

AND, since I was making one lasagna, figured to myself “why not go ahead and make 2”?

Well…indeedy! Here’s the veggie lasagna that Hubby and I enjoyed for dinner last night. (OK…I promise to actually write down the “recipe” for these…next week, ok?)

Lasagna Slice To Eat

And what would a tasty homemade lasagna dinner be without cheesy-garlic rolls and a luscious dessert of Key Lime pie? Publix Supermarket to the rescue!

So, here’s to friends, fast recoveries, and hugs to the families who care so deeply for them, along with a good old-fashioned casserole…it’s my way to show love for those I know will be hungry and need to eat, in spite of what’s going on around them.

About Our Kitchen Inventions

Inspired by travels to Italy, cooking with fresh ingredients, sharing our Kitchen Inventions dinners with friends, and enjoying good wine. Photography and cooking are the main focus for our site. Please stop by Wade's website to enjoy more of his works of photography.
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14 Responses to When Life Stinks, Why Do We Feel The Need To Cook?

  1. megtraveling says:

    It looks so delicious and I’m sure much appreciated. It’s true comfort food… 🙂


  2. JoAnn Cauthen says:

    Comfort food brings shared is solace to the soul. Keep up the good sharing!!!
    Mighty proud ya’ll do this. Also coming to Susan’s to share comforting visit of love and celebration of Aunt Faye!!
    Love ya MamaC and PapaC :):)


  3. Very nice looking dish & one I’m sure was appreciated. Having been on the receiving end I can tell you that when you get home from the hospital, I nice home cooked meal is very welcome. My dear friend and neighbor had organized a food chain for me after surgery which was so thoughtful. She coordinated with everyone so that each person brought over a full meal without duplicates every night. We always had enough left over for me to have a hearty lunch the next day too.


    • That is such a nice way to show love and attention to the entire family after a hospital visit, for sure. Plus, the leftovers are a sure hit! It certainly is easier to “take it easy” instead of having to even think about cooking.


  4. I hope your friend is doing well and recovering! What a nice friend she has in you! 🙂 I was going to make chicken lasagna this weekend but ended up totally changing my mind to Thai chicken salad which I’m making tonight. Now I’m hungry for lasagna again! lol … maybe next weekend


    • She is a wonderful friend, and should be home today. Thai chicken sounds good! That lasagna was darn good in this cold weather..back in the 20’s later this week again, but for today it’s sunny and 50’s…stay warm and thanks for the comments!


  5. wadenc says:

    I needed that…grazie mille


  6. Lala Rukh says:

    WOW that lasagna is to die for ! Perfect colorful and I am guessing it must be too good to taste. Loved reading your story too. And as I am in love with food, I find it helpful too when my life stinks 🙂


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