Thanks To All 203 Of Our Blog Followers!

La - Welcome BackYou know how excited you felt when you ____________? (Please fill in the blank here.)

That’s EXACTLY how we both feel today. You see, blog friends, the 203rd follower signed up for our little blog this week. How cool is that?

Never did we expect to have so many readers who would view, “like”, and comment on our blog – much less learn there are others like us all over the world:  people who love to cook, eat good food, travel to interesting places, take photographs, and share memories and good times with others.

Since we launched “Our Kitchen Inventions”, over 10,000 views have been recorded. This totally amazes both of us.  To know that so many people from so many different countries share in our journey really astounds both of us.

Yes, the world does indeed seem smaller, as we’ve gotten to be “friends” with our readers. I’ve shared dinner in Italy, attended wine events, met fellow bloggers’ friends, and widened our circle of friends – just by reaching out to some of these folks who are just like us.  


Lucca - Use for TY Blog

So, here is a “shout out” to our blog followers: Thank You so much for your continued viewership.

We hope that you will continue to enjoy our escapades as seen from your screen!

About Our Kitchen Inventions

Inspired by travels to Italy, cooking with fresh ingredients, sharing our Kitchen Inventions dinners with friends, and enjoying good wine. Photography and cooking are the main focus for our site. Please stop by Wade's website to enjoy more of his works of photography.
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13 Responses to Thanks To All 203 Of Our Blog Followers!

  1. Your blog and innovative ideas are wonderful. Keep up the fantastic work!


  2. megtraveling says:

    I like to stop for a visit – keep up the good work!


  3. Congratulations. It’s amazing how blogs, especially food blogs makes the world a smaller place. I love keeping in touch with such interesting people from so many countries, yet I feel like I’m sitting at the computer with a cup of coffee just having a chat with my next door neighbor.


    • I know – I feel the same way. When I review the “stats” that show the # of countries that have taken a peek into our little small part of the world, it really does seem “small”. Plus, it teaches me a lot about others.


  4. Debra Kolkka says:

    Congratulations! Here’s to the next 203.


  5. Continued success!
    Beautiful photographs.


  6. verna kimura says:

    Hey ya’ll…My friend in Italy has been busy with some changes in her family Sincerely, ( a relative died).  At any rate, here is Alessandra’s (Alec/Alex) numbers: Home (Rome)39-06-77076407 and if need be…her cell: 39-339–3206983!   Ciao…verna (2410 loxford lane) Verna G. Kimura


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