This Really Scared Her…or Why Was I Alone?

Hubby and I always go to Ristorante Lo Schiaccianoci in Pisa, Italy whenever we are fortunate enough to find ourselves there for vacation. So, when I walked in to the restaurant for dinner in May, one of the owners (Serenella) was delighted to see me…that is, UNTIL she looked behind me towards the doorway, and there was no Hubby there….

The look on her face was one of fright, disappointment, and sadness – like “Where is HE?” “Are you alone?” ” Has something happened since you were here the last time?”

And of course, I tried to explain to her in my fragmented “Eng-Talian” and a whole lotta hand waving that the “Marito” (husband) would be here on “Sabato” (Saturday) in one week….Nothing had happened and we were actually still happily married and here to celebrate 25 years of wedded bliss. WHEW! All was good in the world again!

Sat down for a tasty dinner of Spaghetti alla Vongole, which happens to be my all time favorite dish. In the US, we can not in any way, shape, or form get tiny little tasty clams like these. It is a total mystery to me how such a simple plate of food could possess me in such a way….

Spaghetti alla Vongole

Spaghetti alla Vongole

Of course, there was some Vermentino wine involved in washing down all of that bread I lightly picked at    ate with the gusto of a hound dog    enjoyed like a lady dining alone.

But of course, dessert was a festive occasion, since I got to eat ALL OF IT by myself. Oh, joy of joys! It was a huge portion small plate of delicate mixed delights. Oh, did I mention I had cancelled the vegetables in order to eat dessert because I did not want to get too full?…tee hee!

Hello, Mr. Dolce…..! Mixed fruit, panna cotta with chocolate, tart with raisins, AND chocolate cake with chocolate sauce. Does it get any better than this, ya’ll?

So Much Love On One Plate....

So Much Love On One Plate….

Yes, I sat in my comfy chair, in Italy, eating dinner alone, and being thankful for all that we have been blessed with in our lives. And yes, those blessings should indeed include dessert.

Surrounded by a language I do not speak but un po (a little), it sounds just like music to me. With the clinking of the forks, the glasses, and then….quiet….as the patrons enjoy yet another meal with their dinner partner and friends. Ah, the sounds of “Sabato” (Saturday) dinner in a land far away, yet so close to us in our hearts. All is well!

About Our Kitchen Inventions

Inspired by travels to Italy, cooking with fresh ingredients, sharing our Kitchen Inventions dinners with friends, and enjoying good wine. Photography and cooking are the main focus for our site. Please stop by Wade's website to enjoy more of his works of photography.
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11 Responses to This Really Scared Her…or Why Was I Alone?

  1. That dessert looks amazing 🙂


  2. Spaghetti alla Vongole – my favorite too 🙂 Looks fantastic!!


  3. megtraveling says:

    That’s a great story! I’m glad you enjoyed your meal, and the dessert(s) look exquisite… 🙂


  4. Debra Kolkka says:

    I going there when I go back to Italy in September.


  5. Glad you got that squared away! So now what else have we got in that Spaghetti alla Vongole – the clams & ? garlic, oil, a little butter? Looks delish and it’s a good thing you saved room for that dessert. It would have been a tragedy to pass that up. But don’t go scaring them any more ok?


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