Baby Birds Will Be Here Soon!

Noticed some errant pinestraw and random sticks on the front porch lately….then, noticed them kind of “stuffed” into one of the shrubs close to our front door.

Obviously, Momma has been very busy…..these are SO tiny it is crazy!  Look what that hard work was all about!!!

Busy Busy Birdie!

Busy Busy Birdie!

About Our Kitchen Inventions

Inspired by travels to Italy, cooking with fresh ingredients, sharing our Kitchen Inventions dinners with friends, and enjoying good wine. Photography and cooking are the main focus for our site. Please stop by Wade's website to enjoy more of his works of photography.
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12 Responses to Baby Birds Will Be Here Soon!

  1. pumpkinhoney says:

    This picture is incredible. Do you know what kind of birds they are? Baby birdies ❤


  2. Awww.. you’re so fortunate, these are so pretty.. and just think of them hatching!!


  3. Shutterbug Sage says:

    Ooooooh! I can’t wait to see the baby birds!


  4. denlyn3 says:

    We have the chirping of baby birds all around. Sounds cool except for the annoying mocking birds that are terrorizing my cats.


  5. Great picture! We had a bird nest & lay eggs in the wreath on our front door one year. By the time we realized it they’d hatched and we couldn’t use the door until they all left the nest. Do you think I worry too much about these little creatures?


  6. Wow, amazing shot – so beautiful! 🙂


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